Piano Care — dampp chaser
Water Quality and Cleaning Your Dampp-Chaser System
Posted by Sarah Czarnecki on

Over time, your Dampp-Chaser system might accumulate mineral buildup and residue on the pads or heater bar. You may also notice a red blinking light to indicate changing the pads, even after you’ve just changed them. The trick to troubleshooting is to use good quality water and clean your Dampp-Chaser system correctly. What to Do About That Blinking Red Light The red light on the indicator panel tells you whether or not the system has operational pads. If the red pad light is blinking after you refill your Dampp-Chaser system, you might just need a little patience. After you fill...
- Tags: dampp chaser
Maintain Your Dampp-Chaser Humidifier System: How to Replace Pads & Change Tank Liners
Posted by Sarah Czarnecki on

The Dampp-Chaser Piano Life Saver System does just that—it extends the life of your piano. To keep your piano’s thousands of wood, steel, and felt parts working properly, the humidity level needs to remain at a steady 45%. Most people are not lucky enough to live in a place where the weather is a constant 45% every single day, so the Dampp-Chaser system creates this interior climate, effectively stopping the clock on your piano’s lifespan. That’s all well and good, but even the climate control system needs a little maintenance once in awhile. Now and again, you’ll need to refill...
- Tags: dampp chaser
Dampp-Chaser Piano Life Saver System - Guide to Blinking Lights
Posted by Diane Everett on
Guide to understanding the LED lights on your piano's Dampp-Chaser system
- Tags: dampp chaser